About Us

Who We Are

Impact and Innovations Development Centre (IIDC) is a not-for-profit regional Technical Assistance (TA) and Learning partner organisation that works with development agencies in the public and private sectors to promote impactful and innovative programming.

IIDC is registered and based in Ugandan (Number 210920) with operations across Africa.


A society in which vulnerable communities are safe, resilient and able to demand, protect and enjoy their rights to thrive sustainably.


IIDC builds capacities to enhance the efficacy of development programing in Africa to achieve sustainable and equitable development outcomes for all.


Our Programmes

IIDC’s Technical Assistance (TAs) Support programmes are framed around a set of Core and Thematic areas.
a) Core areas: relate to crosscutting dimensions of organizational capacity for impactful organizational performance regardless of the developmental sector/theme: IIDC’s Core areas of technical support include;
• Program design- supporting partners with tools and approaches that design programs that address the challenges of the target population.
• Measurement and evidence generation supporting partners with tools and skills to track change and generate evidence of what works.
• Learning and Knowledge management supporting partners with tools for documenting learning and facilitating sharing with peers under thematic cohort.
• Adaptation and scaling up- supporting partners adapt and scale proven development models (vertical and horizontal scale)
• Safeguarding- supporting partners improve safeguarding in programme design and operations.
Our current technical support programmes cover all these areas.
b) Thematic areas: relate to the technical dimensions of organizational programming focus. Currently IIDC is supporting partners working in the following thematic areas;
• Social protection,
• Prevention of violence against women and children,
• Education, and
• Health.

Our Delivery mechanisms

Current Technical Support Programmes

Capacity development in safeguarding

IIDC currently runs capacity development training in safeguarding with a goal of supporting implementing partners develop contexualised safeguarding policies, implement, develop safeguarding cultures and learn.
Below are the running initiatives.
• September 2020 to July 2023: Enhancing Safeguarding Capacities of OAK Foundation Partner Organisations in Eastern Africa funded by Oak Foundation. IIDC provides Technical Assistance to 13 OAK funded implementing organisations across Eastern Africa.
• Oct 2021- April 2023: Learning Partnership to improve Safeguarding in Uganda, funded by Civ Source Africa Usalama Fund (Funders Safeguarding Collaborative). IIDC facilitates safeguarding capacity development and learning with 11 implementing partners
• Safeguarding support to other partners under Wellsprings Philanthropic Fund prevention of violence against children.

learning and knowledge management

IIDC learning and knowledge management contributes to a goal of ensuring effectiveness of interventions through learning, documenting and sharing of evidence-based models and programming.
The following projects are implemented under learning and knowledge management:
• July 2016-June 2023: Learning Initiative on Preventing Violence Against Children in East Africa, Funded by Wellspring Philanthropic Fund and IIDC provides learning TAs to 8 implementing partners.
• VaCNets virtual hub- Funded by CRVPF.
• IIDC developed and manages an online virtual hub learning on evidence-based prevention of violence against children in East Africa. We support partners to document evidences and share to shape agenda for impactful practice, advocacy and policy.
• October 2021-July 2023: Learning convenings on Male care giving for partners in the East and Southern Africa region, funded by Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. IIDC convene learnings among 22 partner organisations implementing male caregiving.

Adaptation and scale

IIDC adaptation and scale up program aims at increasing the impact of evidence proven development models to social transformation at scale in different contexts.
• July 2022- June 2027: Scale up of Responsible, Engaged and Loving (REAL) Fathers program funded by the LEGO foundation. IIDC leads a consortium of other 5 development partners (Somero Uganda, World Education Bantwana, Federation for African Women Educationalist-FAWE, All Nations Child Development Centre-ANCDC and University of California San Diego) scaling REAL Fathers in 6 context regions and incorporating in government social development action plans.

Our Work Contributes to The Following SDGs

Our Partners

Our Contacts

For partnerships, contact

Deogratias Yiga (Executive Director)
Email: [email protected]

Country office

Plot 175/6 Kyadondo II Road, Kagugube Zone, Makerere
P. O. Box 5150, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 392002512 (office)

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