We Learn

We Learn

In spite of decades of investment in different social sectors, development partners and nonprofits continue to grapple with the lack of significant and sustainable positive changes in communities around East Africa. IIDC is exploring innovations around technical assistance that can support organizations to design programmes that meet the actual needs of communities and continue to improve these interventions based on key learnings.

Questioning the status quo


We probe, we listen and we learn.


We enable others to work together to develop approaches and interventions.


We promote innovation and highlight case studies.


We promote story-telling and documentation in different, creative formats.


We act as a bridge between innovators. We ask the hard questions.


We create the spaces for partnerships.


We challenge and help create the right interventions for any programme.


Different perspectives are brought to the fore and questioned to ensure that we support the right partnerships.

Annual Learning Convenings

The annual learning convenings are regional events designed to deepen organizational understanding of learning and build capacity to nurture learning regularly.

2017 – 2018 Annual Report

2018 – 2019 Annual Report

2019 – 2020 Annual Report

Download Our Annual Learning Convening Reports

Learning frameworks

IIDC organizes, facilitates and moderates learning meetings where we promote reflection for improved learning through practice. We also recommend platforms to capture and disseminate these learnings. As a learning organization, we are constantly strengthening our learning framework to serve our partners better

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